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Wages in IT determined by productivity, not change of currency

The euro which will shortly replace the litas will have a positive effect on the IT services market of Lithuania, however, it will hardly bring any significant changes. Antanas Ursulis, general manager of CSC Baltic which provides IT services, says that the euro will not bring any dramatic changes to working conditions or expectations of employees; nevertheless, the new currency will help Lithuania enhance its image as a reliable and attractive country for investors. […]


23 parties to contend in Lithuania’s 2015 municipal elections

According to the Central Electoral Commission (VRK), 23 political parties intend to participate in the municipal elections on 1 March 2015. The deadline to submit application documents to the VRK was Monday, 29 December. […]

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Foreign affairs

“Nobody wishes Russia chaos”

The Western powers are not forming an “anti-Russian” coalition and do not want this country to sink into chaos; however, they do wish relations with Moscow to be based on international agreements, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius says. […]

Latvian President Andris Berzins

Latvian president does not comment if he will attend Victory Day celebration in Moscow

Russia is already preparing for large-scale celebrations to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, and Latvian President Andris Bērziņš has been invited to the event as well. […]

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Lithuanian defence minister: Russia’s military doctrine confuses causes and consequences

Russia is trying to justify its own aggression by mixing up the causes and consequences in its new military doctrine which names NATO as the key threat, Lithuanian Minister of National Defence Juozas Olekas said on Monday. […]