Lietuvos kariai Afganistane

New shift of Lithuanian troops seen off to NATO mission in Afghanistan

A formal deployment ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Joint Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces in Vilnius on Friday for yet another shift of Lithuanian soldiers joining the NATO mission in Afghanistan. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė
European Union

Lithuanian president: Mediterranean migrant crisis needs more serious solution

The European Council’s decision to relocate 40,000 refuges from Greece and Italy to other EU member states over the next two years is a symbolic step, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė says, adding that the migration problem needs a more serious solution. […]


Nordic, Baltic and Poland are Europe’s new front-line states, security report says

Europe’s new front-line states are the Nordic countries, Baltic countries, plus Poland, which share a common concern about a “revisionist and rapidly-rearming Russia”, according to the Baltic Sea Security Report by the Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). […]

Remigijus Motuzas, Vladimir Putin
Foreign affairs

Lithuanian ambassador in Moscow: Balancing political estrangement and cultural closeness

With the creepy chill in the Lithuanian-Russian relations, the aftermath of the geopolitical square-off between Moscow and Western powers, the trade, amazingly, has taken the beating until this year quite well. “Quite paradoxically, the scope of Russia-bound Lithuanian export rose throughout 2014, while Russia was already gripped by Western economic sanctions,” Remigijus Motuzas, Lithuania’s ambassador to Russia, tells the Lithuania Tribune. This year, bilateral trade has started taking a hit, however. The Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow nevertheless keeps bustling as visitors are unfazed by the roughed up relations. […]

No Picture

Alcohol found in blood of An-2 pilot

Alcohol has been found in the blood of Adolfas Mačiulis, one of the pilots of the An-2 plane that crashed flying over the Baltic Sea in mid May. […]