Happy new year from the Lithuania Tribune!
Happy new year from the Lithuania Tribune! […]
Happy new year from the Lithuania Tribune! […]
Finance Minister Rimantas Šadžius says that 2015 was a breakthrough in tax collection for Lithuania and that extra revenue is projected for 2016. […]
A studio album of Giuseppe Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra opera that was recorded by the Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra received international recognition when it was named the Editor’s Choice opera album by the influential Opera News magazine in New York, the Kaunas City Municipality reports. […]
On 1 January 2016, Vilnius residents and guests will be able to attend a solemn ceremony on Gediminas Tower to mark the day in 1919 when the Lithuanian tricolour flag used today was first flown. […]
Starting on 1 January, 2016, a new motorized infantry brigade named Žemaitija will be formed in Western Lithuania. […]
With less than a year left until the Seimas (parliament) elections, the Labour Party is not planning to ask Loreta Graužinienė to leave the Seimas speaker‘s position. However, not only the opposition, but some MPs from the ruling coalition are dissatisfied with the politician. […]
In the first press conference organized by the new Prosecutor General Evaldas Pašilis since he was sworn in two days ago, he promised changes in the Prosecutor’s Office. […]
Last week, it was officially confirmed that Lithuania will buy Javelin mid-range anti-tank systems from the United States for €50 million. The T-72 tank, widely used by Russian army and also used in Ukraine, is like a tin can when faced with a Javelin. More about the Lithuanian military‘s new purchase was revealed on an LRT TV programme about military weapons. […]
When former President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus read a report at a conference in Warsaw last week called Sovereignty, Solidarity and Security: Lech Kaczynski and Central-Eastern Europe, he also had the chance to speak with the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda. […]
In the upcoming months, Lithuania’s producers and exporters predict a decrease in Lithuanian industrial exports. According to a poll distributed to the heads of industrial companies by Statistics Lithuania, 14 percent of businesses predict a decrease while 17 percent predict an increase (a month ago, these percentages were 12 and 31 percent, respectively). […]
The Special Investigation Service‘s (STT) Vilnius Department has brought charges against the Order and Justice political party over suspicions of influence peddling and money laundering. […]
After the Seimas (parliament) failed to adopt legislation authorizing mandatory vaccinations, an order made by former Minister of Health Vytenis Andriukaitis instructing not to accept unvaccinated children to kindergarten extablishments will take effect in 1 January, 2016. Minister of Health Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė says that the order will only apply to newly accepted children. […]
There was a feel-good atmosphere in the Lithuanian Presidential palace in Vilnius on Tuesday afternoon as Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė hosted a ceremony honouring the Global Lithuanian Awards. The annual awards are presented to individuals who, in one way or another, have contributed to Lithuania’s welfare domestically or abroad. The President and Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius praised the initiative and made it a point that a country is more than its geographical and demographic size. […]
Nearly 60 famous Lithuanian power engineers, scientists, former energy and economy ministers and heads of business associations encouraged the government to take decisive actions in order to save thermal power plants as reserve electric power sources. The government adopted a resolution on October 7 that will effectively leave the thermal power plants unused. […]
Lithuanian economic growth this year has been the slowest among the Baltic countries, but analysts at Danske Bank predict that the country’s gross domestic product growth next year will be faster than in Estonia and, in 2017, will bypass Latvia as well. […]
On Tuesday, the General Prosecutor’s Office reported that Darius Raulušaitis, who had been serving as a temporary Prosecutor General, withdrew from the Prosecutor General’s Office. D. Raulušaitis had held the position since June, when former Prosecutor General Darius Valys’ term ended. […]
In an analysis of the U.S presidential race, public relations expert Mykolas Katkus and acting director of the Eastern European Studies Centre Laurynas Kasčiūnas revealed which Republican candidates they thought would be the best U.S presidents from Lithuania’s perspective. […]
The Lithuanian president signed a decree on Tuesday, appointing Evaldas Pašilis as the country’s prosecutor general. […]
Looking back at the achievements of the government headed by social democratic Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius over 2015, President Dalia Grybauskaitė says that while there are considerable accomplishments, procrastination in certain area will mean that the next government will inherit serious problems. […]
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