Lithuanian Constitution

Failed attempt in Seimas to make constitutional changes more difficult

Prior to starting deliberations regarding changes on the number of members of Seimas, Liberal Movement Seimas group prefect Eugenijus Gentvilas presented a resolution to the Seimas “Over the constant attempts to change the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.” With this, it was proposed to form an expert group, which would evaluate whether there is actual need to change the country’s most important document. The resolution was rejected after discussions. […]

Syndromes of Mimickry by Anastasia Pirozhenko

‘1990s was a time of great joy and great trauma’

Mimicking and copying Western Europe was one of the main strategies that Lithuanians used to cope with the socio-political and existential chaos after the collapse of communism, says Dr. Rasa Baločkaitė of Vytautas Magnus University. In her research, she applies the concepts of Postcolonialist studies to describe some absurd practices of the 1990s. […]


Only a third of Lithuanians would agree to child care home near them – new survey

A survey has shown that only a third of Lithuania’s residents would agree to have small child or infant care home open near their home.

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Global LT

Lithuania’s youth from around the world gather for global congress

The third Meeting of World Lithuanian Youth has begun today in Prienai, a town in southern Lithuania.

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Juras Požėla

Decree banning unvaccinated children from kindergarten overturned by courts

After a ruling from the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania, the Ministry of Health will be forced to overturn its decree on mandatory vaccination for children in kindergarten.

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