Banker Zutautas appointed temporary head of national opera and ballet theater

Sigitas Žutautas. Asociacijos nuotr.

Culture Minister Liana Ruokyte-Jonsson on Tuesday appointed Zutautas as acting head of the LNOBT.

Zutautas will replace Gintautas Kevisas, who was sacked by the minister from the post he had held for 15 years on Monday for gross labor discipline violations.

“The main tasks for the acting head are to ensure effective and transparent management of the organization and continuity of its activities. The Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater has to be become a model of good administration,” Ruokyte-Jonsson said in a press release.

According to the ministry, Zutautas started his career at the audit company PriceWaterhouseCoopers and then worked at DNB Bankas for a long period of time, serving as vice-president and a member of the management board. His career also includes the position of general manager at PZU Lietuva.

Zutautas says in his LinkedIn profile that he has worked as head of deposits at Bulgaria’s TBI Bank in the past few months following almost six years of work on his own as investor and advisor.

Zutautas worked at Swedbank’s SME portfolio management department in 2011-2015 and headed it for some time. He was head of banking portfolios for the Baltics at the Norwegian-owned credit management company Lindorff in 2015-2016.

Zutautas holds a MBA in economics, banking and accounting and audited from Vilnius University.

According to the ministry, the temporary director plans to unveil his plans for the LNOBT on Wednesday.

An investigation commission set up by the Culture Ministry found that Kevisas had systematically placed himself in conflict of interest situations.

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