A Nextury Ventures survey has shown that 16% of Lithuanians would unconditionally agree to try to work in a Lithuanian startup while another 32% would gladly consider a job offer in a startup if the idea is appealing.
“Only those can work in a startup, especially if it is only in the initial stage of realizing a business idea, who are willing to put up with considerable risks, as well as those who are determined to invest all their energy and time into the company’s development for the next six or twelve months. But the possible dividends are tempting: chance to contribute to the creation of a product or a service, freedom of expression, the right to get shares in the company, and in case of success – returns a thousand or even tens of thousands times higher than the efforts,” said Ilja Laurs, the chairman of Nextury Ventures.
“Successful startups grow quickly and the fast development opens up career opportunities – moving up the ladder is several times faster in startups than in traditional enterprises,” says Eglė Paukštelytė, amdinistration and personnel manager at TransferGo, which offers low-cost international money transfer services.
“Of the more than 1,500 people we have surveyed, 16% would unconditionally agree to try to work in a Lithuanian startup, another 32% would gladly consider a job offer in a startup if the idea is appealing. For 4.9% of those surveyed, the team of a startup would be an important factor,” said Raimonda Tatarėlytė, spokeswoman of cvmarket.lt.
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