It is the largest amount of energy produced by the Klaipeda plant since it started operating. It produces approximately 40% of Klaipėda‘s heat needs annually.
Over the past year the plant used 65% waste and 35% of biofuels to generate heat and power. In total the power plant can burn 245,000 tons of fuel annually.
“The plant massively reduced Klaipėda city‘s dependence on imported natural gas, dropped the price of heat, reduced the amounts of waste entering the landfill, improved environmental performance, increased competition among suppliers of heat. All these achievements are beneficial to heat consumers. In the near future we hope to get permission to run 100% on waste and that will further improve performance,” said Fortum Klaipėda director Juozas Doniela.
The power plant can produce 20MW of electric power, 50MW of heat and additional 15MW is obtained from flue gas during the winter using a capacitor. The plant produces approximately 40% of Klaipėda‘s heat needs annually.
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