In a recent news story on the Russian state-funded television network, Andrew Carr explained his reasons for choosing Odontika in Lithuania for dental work: “To have the treatment I had done on the NHS would have been impossible… it would have cost me somewhere in the region of 19,000 GBP, which is why I went to Lithuania.”
RT cites figures from the office of National Statistics of 65,000 Brits going abroad and spending over 129m euros each year. With waiting lists reported to be at a 6-year high.
Alistair Day-Stirrat, director at Odontika dental clinic in Vilnius, and himself a Brit says that this is “not a new trend”. British people have been travelling abroad for dental treatment over many years. “What I see my role as doing is raising the profile of Lithuania as a choice destination for dentistry abroad. Lithuania has good dentists, some good infrastructure, and a positive image of dentistry overseas. But it does not have a big enough profile internationally. What we are trying to do is build that profile, by having clear and transparent pricing, investing and innovating.”
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