Over the last ten years (2004-2013), 439,500 persons emigrated and 107,200 immigrated to Lithuania. In the context of other EU member-states, Lithuania stands out with one of the largest negative net migration indicators per 1,000 population, Statistics Lithuania said.
In 2013, 38,800 people emigrated from Lithuania; there were 13.1 emigrants per 1,000 population. Against 2012, the number of emigrants decreased by 2,300 (5.6 percent).
In 2004-2013, the number of male and female emigrants amounted to 220,100 (50.1 percent) and 219,400 (49.9 percent) respectively.
In 2013, the number of emigrants who left for the United Kingdom was 17,900, Ireland – 3,300, Norway and Germany – 3,000 each.
Last year, one-fifth (19.8 percent) of all emigrants were aged 20-24, 18.4 percent – 25-29, 13.2 percent – 30-34 (in 2012, 20.5, 20, 12.3 percent respectively). In 2013, 81.8 percent of working-age emigrants had been unemployed for one year and longer prior to their departure (in 2012, 75.4 percent). More than half (60.1 percent) of working-age emigrants who had been unemployed for one year and longer prior to their departure were aged 20-34.
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