“Today, the prime minister made an excellent speech. Based on the emotional charge, it reminded me somewhat of Musolini’s temperament,” the “Farmer” Seimas group member wrote on his Facebook page.
Already the next day, as if hearing encouragement after being praised to the level of the fascist IL Duce, S. Skvernelis declared that a villainous conspiracy is being plotted against his government in Lithuania and that the Conservatives are planning an upheaval. It is apparently led by Andrius Tapinas and everything is being orchestrated by Russia. The PM even declared that his agents have intercepted a secret revolt plan.
Those, who thought on Friday, upon hearing the prime minister’s allegations, that after a hard week of work, the PM simply rushed to conclusions, because who in this job wouldn’t lose their mind a little, were mistaken.
On Tuesday, the prime minister confirmed that he is convinced of the Conservatives’ plot. “I stand by every word I said,” S. Skvernelis answered when asked if he still believes that the Kremlin may be influencing the Conservatives.
When asked if he doesn’t think that in such a case, the intelligence services should be contacted, he answered “it is already done.”
When asked, what services were contacted, the prime minister suggested to take a list and see what services are “the subjects of criminal intelligence or intelligence.”
After such nonsense from the head of cabinet, which to the Kremlin’s glee have already involved several intelligence agencies in the country, we can only be left happy that “Farmer” Kirkutis did not compare the emotional charge of our prime minister’s speeches with that of Adolf Hitler’s. As we know from history, the Führer ordered to set fire to the Reichstag as soon as possible when he suspected the organisation of a coup and to punish supposed plotters.
Thus, we can be thankful to honourable Kirkutis in Seimas that he raised Saulius Skvernelis only to the level of Duce Mussolini and not Hitler’s emotional level. Otherwise the Seimas could turn to ash.
Nevertheless, when a doctor of medicine, with A. Kirkutis being a Lithuanian Healthcare Sciences University habilitated biomedical doctor, praises the shouts of the Lithuanian PM as comparable to rhetoric by an Italian fascist leader, you cannot expect anything good.
Let us only hope that we do not have to compare the prime minister to James Forrestal one day. Former US Secretary of Defence J. Forrestal lost his mind after the war and jumped to death out the window of his psychiatric ward, screaming that Russian tanks are rolling in.
It may be that the Russian tanks were an exaggeration and it is only communist propaganda. However, it is clear that the psychosis raised to the level of the prime minister, which is now accompanied by party members’ praises, comparing the head of cabinet, whose ideal happens to be a police state, to a XX c. fascist leader poses a threat. If not for the state, then at least for the health of the “Farmer” leaders.