Gabrielius Landsbergis

Landsbergis: the Social Democrats are masterfully saving M. Bastys

Two impeachment processes are beginning in Seimas. Member of Seimas Mindaugas Bastys is suspected of having represented the interests of the Russian Federation and thus breached his oath, meanwhile Kęstutis Pūkas has been accused of […]

Elections to the Seimas

New ratings – concerning trends

Bad news for the LiberalsIf elections were to happen next Sunday, the Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (LPGU) would triumph in it following its continued rise in popularity. Political scientist Virgis Valentinavičius warns that the […]


Budget 2017 – who will be better of next year?

The President and the new government have stressed a number of times that one of the greatest tasks for next year would be to reduce social segregation. The 2017 budget allocates over half a billion euro to social needs. The Prime Minister promises larger pensions, wages are to rise for educators, police officers. However the Seimas opposition says that without structural reform, it will be difficult to reduce poverty and social segregation. […]

Gabrielius Landsbergis ir Algirdas Butkevičius

Social Democrats and Conservatives – a quest for identity

The two largest and up to then most significant parties in Lithuania, the Social Democrats and the Conservatives, not only did not win the elections, albeit losing very differently, but are also standing at a sort of crossroads. Plagued by internal dissent they are seeking their future, striving to free themselves of a crisis of identity and to define their values. Meanwhile political scientists believe that average voters care little who rules – the left or the right, what matters is who resolves their problems. […]

Algirdas Butkevičius

Social Democrat “rebels” angered by Butkevičius

Four members of the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) negotiation group released a public statement on Wednesday, right before the signing of the coalition agreement with the Peasant and Greens Union. The statement declares that some of the actions of the party Chairman Algirdas Butkevičius and the fraction prefect Irena Šiaulienė were not discussed with the negotiation group. […]

In the Social Democrat party rally in 2013

ELECTIONS. Butkevičius’ on unsteady footing – potential replacements

With the poor Social Democrat (LSDP) performance in the multi-mandate electoral district, earning only 13 mandates, discussions have sprung up in the party, on potentially selecting a replacement for PM Butkevičius. The man in question does not deny such a possibility either, expressing no attachment to the position of party chairman. […]