Gintautas Paluckas

ELECTIONS. SocDems after losing – three alternatives for their future

The biggest loser in this Seimas election has been the Labour Party, having failed to pass the 5% vote barrier. That said, no less a blow was that to the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) which had been dominant in ratings nigh on up to election day. What do the Social Democrats need to do after this loss to Gabrielius LandsbergisConservatives and Ramūnas Karbauskis’ “Peasants”? […]

Algirdas Sysas, Algirdas Butkevičius

ELECTIONS. Social Democrats reflect on their loss

Midnight on October 9, the Social Democrats (LSDP) were confident that they will be among the parties that will form the coalition government. With the results starting to arrive from the multi-mandate electoral districts, however, they had to admit defeat. […]

A. Butkevičius during TV debates

ELECTIONS. Will Social Democrats stumble before elections?

“People first” is the slogan with which the Social Democrats (LSDP) entered power four years ago. Last week, however, the LSDP voted alongside a number of other parties to overrule the President’s veto of the […]

Algirdas Sysas, Ramūnas Karbauskis

ELECTIONS.Social Democrats and “Peasants” on partnership, artificial insemination and language

Representatives from the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) and Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (LVŽS) met in a Delfi electoral debate in an exchange of opinions. LVŽS Chairman Ramūnas Karbauskis spoke for his party, while the LSDP was represented by deputy party Chairman and Seimas deputy Chairman Algirdas Sysas. Key focus in the exchange were artificial insemination, the writing of last names in original language in identification documents and matters of partnership. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

Grybauskaitė vetoes bill easing restrictions on repeat residence permits for foreigners

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė has vetoed a bill proposed by Social Democrat MP Algirdas Sysas and adopted by the Seimas (parliament) that suggest that certain requirements for third-country nationals would only apply for their first application for residence permits in Lithuania, and that the permit would later be extended almost automatically.

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Artificial insemination law to come before Seimas again

Lithuania’s parliament on Thursday opened discussions into the draft Law on Assisted Insemination, which would stipulate state financing for expensive assisted insemination procedures for families unable to have children. […]

Algirdas Butkevičius

Lithuanian Social Democrats re-elect Butkevičius as leader

Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius was re-elected as the leader of the ruling Social Democratic Party for a two-year term on Friday. […]