
Small farmers find it difficult to get their vegetables on supermarket shelves
Vegetable growers say that in order to sign contracts with the major retail chains, farmers need to ensure an uninterrupted supply of products. Moreover, only big farms can meet the demand from retailers, therefore it […]

Lithuanian dairy farmers ‘can expect support from EU’ – Attaché
Lithuania’s agriculture attaché in Brussels says that the country’s dairy farmers can expect support from the European Commission, although there are no guarantees yet, LRT reports. Karolis Anužis says that the decision should be clear […]

Lithuanian company to create largest organic farm in Europe
Lithuania’s largest organic agriculture group Agrowill Group plans to attract €20 million of investment to become the largest and most advanced organic farm in Europe. Agrowill Group board chairman Kęstutis Juščius said that currently the […]

Co-ops the only way to make Lithuanian farming viable – minister
Forming cooperatives is the only way for Lithuania’s small farmers to survive, says Agriculture Minister Virginija Baltraitienė. Farmers throughout Europe have been hit by small prices and even medium-sized farms are struggling to stay afloat, […]

Lithuania could use dividends from state-owned energy companies to support farmers
The Lithuanian government has suggested using dividends from two state-owned energy companies to support dairy farmers. Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius has told parliament that Lietuvos Energija and Klaipėdos Nafta will pay twice more in dividends […]

3,000 dairy farmers to protest in Vilnius
About 3,000 dairy farmers are planning to rally outside the Ministry of Agriculture in Vilnius next week, demanding government assistance amidst collapsing milk prices. […]

Chinchilla farming one of most profitable businesses in Lithuania
Chinchilla farming is one of the most profitable businesses in Lithuania, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. […]