Viktor Orban with Angela Merkel

Two plus two is not necessarily four: German policy towards the Visegrád countries

Until 2015, very few people had heard of the term “Visegrád Group” in Germany, let alone had a sense about its purpose. At that time the group – also called “V4” after its four member states Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary – saw its main task in the coordination and exchange of information, national positions, as well as cooperation on „soft“ projects such as infrastructure. […]

Edward Lucas, the Nordic Chambers Dinner i

How to make the deal of the deals with Russia? After dinner with E. Lucas

Edward Lucas, the former senior editor of the Economist, visited Vilnius on January 10th — once again, should we say. He lived in Lithuania in the Nineties and is such a frequent commentator and visitor in Lithuania that he even speaks the language a bit. His work has been revolving around Russia for so long that he has become a synonym for Russophobia, an accusation he is sharing with the three Baltic States. […]

Saulius Spurga

Different trajectories of democracy in Baltic states from Visegrad group and Russia

Last weekend’s parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic were won by the billionaire populist Andrej Babiš‘s party ANO, which arose from the civic Dissatisfied Citizen’s Movement. A. Babiš is fairly sceptical of the EU and […]

Rita Tamašunienė and Waldemar Tomaszewski

ELECTIONS. People’s Party and Polish Election Action programmes show little creativity

Experts have observed that the Lithuanian People’s Party and the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania-Christian Families’ Union (LLRA-KŠS) electoral programmes discuss the same things, just in different wording. Furthermore they have noted that the […]

UK Prime Minister David Cameron and Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė
European Union

Discrimination against some EU citizens cannot be price for avoiding Brexit – Lithuanian President

European Union countries must look for compromise and help the British government convince the British people to stay in the Union, but not at the price of discrimination against EU citizens, says Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė ahead of important talks in Brussels. […]