Žydų (Jews) street in Vilnius

The Jewish Quarter in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – isolation or privilege?

Quarters comprising of several streets that were designed along religious, ethnic or professional lines were a regular way of life in European cities during the Middle Ages. Thus the settling of Jews, who employed the use of a section of the city that was delegated to them by law did not go counter to the pattern that had developed for settling in cities. Orthodox believers, Germans, Jews, butchers, glass makers and others who established themselves in Great Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) cities divided up living space in a similar manner. Thus Jews brought traditions to the GDL that were typical for them in the quarters they lived, traditions that coincided with other trends that managed to express themselves in GDL cities. […]

Dr. Christoph Dieckmann

German historian poses a question that holds many Lithuanians up to Shame

Effective German cooperation with the Lithuanians became a death trap for the Jews of Lithuania. In Lithuania it was patriots – ethnic nationalists – who killed the Jews in the hopes of creating a strong ethnic state without Jews, Russians and Poles. This is what eminent German historian Dr. Christoph Dieckmann said in an exclusive interview with DELFI. Dr. Dieckmann who works at the Fritz Bauer Institute in Frankfurt am Main wrote the book “Germany’s Occupation Policy in Lithuania from 1941 to 1944”. […]

The Vilnius Great Synagogue
Global LT

Vilnius should establish World Litvak Museum, restore YIVO institute

Vilnius has been suggested to establish the World Litvak Museum and restore a Jewish research institute, as well as pay tribute to the memory of Jews who contributed to the restoration of Lithuania’s statehood in the government building. […]