A cabinet whose time needs to be endured

With Saulius Skvernelis’ cabinet reaching its first birthday, a chorus of Happy Birthday is nowhere to be heard. On the contrary, experts note that this cabinet has given little basis to expect fundamental reform in […]

Astravyets nuclear power plant under construction

Education Minister tightens stance on scientists’ involvement in Belarus’ nuclear project

In a reversal of its earlier position that Lithuania benefits from its scientists providing advice to Belarus on nuclear safety, the Education and Science Ministry said on Tuesday that the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) should not participate in the European Commission-funded international project. […]

Kaunas Technical University

Increasing passions over higher education in Seimas: Karbauskis has a new proposal for Kaunas

Jurgita Petrauskienė, the Minister for Education and Higher learning in Parliament, on Tuesday presented the new proposal for the optimization plan regarding state universities. The optimization plan seems to centre on the aim to leave […]

Demo in the front of the Ministry of Education

Hundreds of students, dozens of teachers protest against longer academic year

A protest action was held outside the Education and Science Ministry in Vilnius on Monday against the government’s plans to extend the duration of academic year. […]