The Kremlin

Russian ‘countermeasures’ to NATO in Eastern Europe are coming

When NATO leaders gather in Warsaw on July 8 to 9, they will announce steps to beef up the alliance’s conventional force presence on its eastern flank. NATO also will shortly announce that the SM-3 missile defense site in Romania has achieved operational status. These moves will spur the Kremlin, with some fanfare, to announce military “countermeasures.” But those will be steps that Moscow almost certainly intends to take in any case. […]

No Picture

Russia’s counter to missile defence pushes Europe together

The ceremony of opening the United States’ missile defense base in Deveselu, Romania, last week (Thursday, May 12), was greeted by a barrage of condemnation and criticism from Russian officials. The next day, President Vladimir Putin turned these denouncements into state policy by defining this deployment of a radar station and SM-3 missile interceptors as a direct threat to Russia and promising to “curtail” it. […]

Suspected Russian operation on the Lithuanian shore

What could Russians have been doing on Lithuanian shores?

Russian OMRP Spetsnaz units may have landed on the coast of Juodkrantė two years ago. This suggestion by the chairman of the parliamentary National Security and Defence Committee Artūras Paulauskas, has caused considerable turmoil and concern. […]

LNG Terminal

Gazprom ‘tried to undermine Lithuanian LNG terminal’

Russian energy company Gazprom tried to undermine Lithuania’s liquefied natural gas terminal (LNG) at Klaipeda and attempted to put pressure on some of Lithuania’s major gas consumers, the State Security Department (VSD) claimed in a threat to national security assessment released on Wednesday. […]

Russian military exercise in Kaliningrad

Lithuania’s key role in countering Russian A2/AD challenge to Baltics

Concepts of military strategy and doctrine have long influenced the political and military geography of the Baltic region. […]