LitPol Link

Electricity consumption highest in a quarter of a century

In 2016, the final electricity consumption in Lithuania totalled 10.47 kilowatt hours (or 10.47 terawatt hours, TWh). A record growth in the consumption was observed last year: residents, businesses, agriculture and transport used 4.5% more electricity compared to 2015. The growth rate in agriculture was as high as 8.4%, service sector 5.7%, residents 4.3%, and transport sector 4%. The lowest year-on-year growth rate (3.5%) was recorded in the industrial sector, Litgrid press office reported. […]

Excursion to "Litgrid"

Electricity price drops by 13% due to NordBalt and LitPol Link

In 2016, the average price for electricity in the Lithuanian bidding area of Nord Pool was the lowest in the history of the exchange: EUR 36.5 per megawatt hour (MWh). The price was 13% lower compared to 2015 and 25% lower than in 2014 and 2013, LitGrid AB informed in its press release today. […]

LNG Terminal

Gazprom ‘tried to undermine Lithuanian LNG terminal’

Russian energy company Gazprom tried to undermine Lithuania’s liquefied natural gas terminal (LNG) at Klaipeda and attempted to put pressure on some of Lithuania’s major gas consumers, the State Security Department (VSD) claimed in a threat to national security assessment released on Wednesday. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė
European Union

Grybauskaitė to discuss energy, border protection and UK’s reforms with EU council

On Thursday, 17 December, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė will travel to Brussels to attend a European Council meeting and discuss additional measures to manage the migration crisis, including the setting up of a European Border and Coast Guard. European leaders will also exchange views on how to strengthen the EU’s energy union and will address EU reforms proposed by the United Kingdom, the presidency said. […]


Energy security projects cast doubt on NPP project in Lithuania

The NordBalt submarine power cable between Lithuania and Sweden, which is due to start functioning by the end of 2015, casts doubts on whether Lithuania still needs a nuclear power plant. […]