Mykolas Majauskas ir Remigijus Šimašius

Vilnius Council coalition talks continue

On Tuesday, at the headquarters of the Liberal Movement, a round of negotiations was held over the establishment of the ruling coalition in Vilnius City Council. […]

Remigijus Šimašius

Vilnius mayor-elect Šimašius pledges more transparency

Vilnius mayor-elect Remigijus Šimašius has promised more transparency in the Lithuanian capital’s municipality, making no secret of his concern about its financial situation. […]

Vilnius City Municipality

Parties weigh strategies and options before mayoral run-offs in Vilnius

After local elections in Lithuania last Sunday, the new Vilnius City Municipality Council will include 38 male and 12 female councillors. The Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania and the Russian Alliance Block of Valdemar Tomaševski delegated four women, the Liberal Movement, three, the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), two, and the remaining parties that were voted in will have one woman representative each. […]


MP turns to Prosecutor’s Office over loans to Air Lituanica

Member of Parliament Remigijus Šimašius (the Liberal Movement) has addressed the Prosecutor General‘s Office over the loan issued by municipal enterprise responsible for district heating Vilniaus Šilumos Tinklai to airline Air Lituanica. The MP has asked to investigate whether the loan was issued lawfully and if it does not violate the public interest. […]