Rolandas Paksas, Remigijus Žemaitaitis

Rebellion brewing in Order and Justice: Paksas called in as a saviour

The internal struggles of the Order and Justice Party (TTP) have surfaced into public view. The supporters of incumbent chairman Remigijus Žemaitaitis are accusing Petras Gražulis of conspiracy, with him seeking to return Rolandas Paksas […]

Opposition leaders and R. Karbauskis at the We Accuse! protest

Opposition targeting PM, agiculture minister

As the prime minister is delaying a decision on suitability of Agriculture Minister Bronius Markauskas to continue in the post, members of the parliamentary opposition are considering an interpellation against the minister and against the head of the government. […]


The main target in war against alcohol was hidden

The Parliament revolution against the sales of alcohol was blessed with a bang, as the institution was left both blind and/or deaf in regards the largest evil known a “bambaliai” – strong beer in plastic […]

Rolandas Paksas, Remigijus Žemaitaitis

New and future parties leaders: Who will rise from the ashes and whose end is nearing?

The Seimas elections knocked out all three political powers previously in the majority – the Labour Party, Order and Justice and the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP). The Homeland Union – Lithuanian Social Democrats (TS-LKD) […]