Tricolour on the Vilnius TV tower

Feb. 16 celebrations in Soviet Lithuania: from pieces of cloth to tricolour

Vytautas Bogušis, then a ninth-grade student, 43 years ago bought pieces of cloth for a hand-made yellow-green-red Lithuanian flag that his schoolmates raised in the Rasų Cemetery in Vilnius, the capital of the Soviet-occupied Lithuania, on the eve of Feb. 16, 1975. […]

United Nations in New York

Lithuania and all other EU Member States did not support Russia’s resolution at UN which attempts to manipulate history

The Resolution on Combating Glorification of Nazism and Other Contemporary Forms of Racism put forward by the Russian Federation was adopted by voting on 21 November 2014 at the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, 115 states voting for, 3 against, and 55 abstaining. Lithuania as well as other EU Member States have abstained in the vote and made a very strong Explanation of Vote. […]