Tbilisi, Georgia
Foreign affairs

Lithuanian president calls Georgia ‘Eastern Partnership leader’

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė on Friday called Georgia the leader of the EU‘s Eastern Partnership program, urging the country to continue its legal reforms. […]

Mikheil Saakashvili
Foreign affairs

Georgia’s ex-president Saakashvili attends Vilnius protest of Georgia occupation

A protest action against occupation of Georgia’s territories was held in a square in front of the Russian Embassy in Vilnius on Tuesday, attended by Georgia’s former president Mikheil Saakashvili, Lithuania’s first post-independence leader Vytautas Landsbergis and some MPs. […]

Alexander Lukashenko

Europe’s last dictator comes in from the cold

Lukashenko’s fortunes have changed. Once known as “Europe’s last dictator,” he has won friends in Europe, while antagonizing his traditional ally, Russia. It’s a situation that has left the Kremlin in a difficult positon: should it punish Belarus for its pro-Western tendencies? Or should it continue to prop up the Belarusian economy rather than risk further unrest in the region? […]

Heidi Tagliavini

Opinion: Spark of hope that Russia’s aggression will not pass this time

The German daily Berliner Zeitung was the first one to report about the resignation of Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini as OSCE special envoy in Ukraine and OSCE representative at the Minsk peace talks. This lady made her name in political and diplomatic quarters when the international commission she led published a report on the 2008 Georgian-Russian war. Her departure gives one hope that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia will not be given a Tagliavini treatment. […]

Russian forces in South Ossetia

Opinion: A new test from Russia

A couple of days ago, on 10 July, news came that two new border signs sprang up in Georgia, declaring that here begins the “border of South Ossetia“. One of the signs moved about 300 metres from its original position into the zone controlled by Tbilisi, the other sign progressed forwards by about a kilometre. The new marking took away about ten hectares of territory from Georgia. […]


Lithuania issues statement on violation of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by Russia

Lithuania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed grave concern over the ongoing ‘borderization’ process along the administrative boundary line between the Georgian region of Tskhinvali/South Ossetia and the remaining territory of Georgia. […]