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Lithuania has great opportunities to develop advanced logistics services,transport minister says

The total investment in Lithuania’s transport sector during the new EU financing period is likely to be more than EUR 5 billion, whence 47 percent will be used to modernise Lithuanian railway network and 36 percent to modernise road infrastructure (26 percent in pan-European highways, 6 percent in municipality roads and 4 percent in national and regional roads). […]


Lithuanian trucks avoid going to Russia

The situation at the Russian border remains virtually unchanged as trucks from Lithuania continue to be subjected to thorough checks, Algimantas Kondrusevičius, president of the national haulers’ association Linava, said on Monday, adding that the flow of Lithuanian trucks to Russia has declined sharply over the past week. […]

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Lithuanian carriers’ association suggests another explanation over problems at Russian border

Julius Misiūnas, deputy president of the Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association Linava, says that Russia is applying stricter inspection rules to Lithuanian trucks at the border because Russia had refused to participate in the TIR system activities and so no longer has means to ensure transparent transportation of goods into the country. […]

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Railway advances reveal strategic interests in the Baltics

Stratfor analyst Eugene Chausovsky reflects on the Baltic states’ recent announcement of a joint venture company for Rail Baltica and examines the project’s regional context and implications. […]

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Lithuanian politicians mull introducing tax on cars in spring

In a sharp reversal to its previous stance, the current ruling majority is already mulling a possibility to introduce a car tax, the Lietuvos Rytas daily reports on Thursday. […]