Are VAT cuts on meat a credible proposal?

The Social Democrats proposal to reduce VAT for fresh and chilled meat to make it more affordable has been criticised by the opposition and economists. But is it a credible proposal? “They are now aiming […]


Lithuania ‘could collect more VAT by cutting rates’

The Lithuanian government could collect more revenue from the value-added tax (VAT) by lowering the rate and thus cutting the black market, according to a SEB Bank economist. […]

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European Commission criticizes Lithuania for poor VAT collection

The level of VAT revenue collected in Lithuania is well below that which could be collected, the European Commission has said. […]

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Lithuanian PM sees no possibility to reduce VAT on meat

Unlike some members of the ruling majority, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius does not see any possibilities to introduce VAT exemptions for meat next year. […]