Uspaskich to run for Vilnius mayor
Viktor Uspaskich, the founder and chairman of Lithuania’s Labor Party, says he plans to run for Vilnius mayor. […]
Viktor Uspaskich, the founder and chairman of Lithuania’s Labor Party, says he plans to run for Vilnius mayor. […]
A copy of the State Security Department (VSD) report to the National Security and Defence Committee (NSGK) Delfi has obtained reveals in what ways the MG Baltic group aimed to influence state institutions, politicians and […]
My personal position on the relations of some potential candidates for President of Lithuania with Russia has given rise to a series of debates and cast doubt as to whether or not what I say […]
The opposition Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats remain the most popular party in Lithuania and its lead over the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS), which came in second in April, has increased, according to a new survey by Vilmorus pollster for the Lietuvos Rytas daily, published on Saturday. […]
Viktor Uspaskich, the founder of the Lithuanian Labor Party, was elected as the party’s new chairman at a congress in Kaunas on Sunday. […]
The newly formed Social Democrat Labour Party has assured itself the backing of the ruling “Farmers,” however it cannot fend off criticism from its former Social Democrat comrades. Analysts believe that the two organisations will […]
Last Saturday Rasa Juknevičienė was elected the president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. She believes that Ukraine and Georgia have only begun on the path of seeking NATO membership, even if their entry to the […]
A new party has appeared in Lithuania – politicians, who broke away from the Social Democrats, together with a number of former Labour Party members have founded the united Lithuanian Social Democratic Labour (LSDD) Party. […]
Over and over again, we keep hearing the same imperative on Lithuania’s relations with Russia. Over and over again we are beckoned to remain friends and blamed for the lack of friendship. In fact, the […]
“We will adhere to normal European social democracy and not the leftist manifesto released by our colleagues,” one of the initiators of the planned Lithuanian Social Democrat Labour Party, member of a Seimas group of […]
It is undeniable that the SEB bank president’s advisor Gitanas Nausėda may run for president, thus conservative Žygimantas Pavilionis decided that it is time to “remove” competitors, political scientist Raimundas Lopata told LRT.lt when commenting […]
Ramūnas Karbauskis with his lands and tale of “everything is legal” is nothing new in the Lithuanian skies – there have been greater scandals in the country’s politics and business. Figures appearing in the middle […]
There wouldn’t even have been a discussion over the LRT’s finances if the LRT had voluntarily handed over all the numbers requested by the Lithuanian parliament and would this way have forestalled the question’s deliberations. […]
The Labour Party must once more enter parliament and participate in governance, furthermore it must have constant and clear changes in chairpersons, MEP Viktor Uspaskich tells LRT.lt. Political analysts say that with the Social Democrats […]
The Lithuanian Labor Party’s council has decided to convene a congress next January to elect a new chairman. […]
Lithuania’s MEP Viktor Uspaskich, the founder of the Labor Party who was not active in politics on the political arena for the past few years, on Friday confirmed plans to run for the party’s leadership. […]
Voters are turning from the “Farmers” and beginning to seek new “messiahs”. This is a niche for Viktor Uspaskich and Antanas Guoga to appear or perhaps some other rising populist movement, states political scientist Vincentas […]
President Dalia Grybauskaitė, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union chairman Ramūnas Karbauskis. They are the three most influential Lithuanian politicians. Both the country’s elites and public agree on this trio. For […]
Lithuania’s Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis says that the return of MEP Viktor Uspaskich to head the Labor Party would not be a promising step. […]
Živilė Pinskuvienė, the leader of the Labor Party that has no mandates in Lithuania’s parliament, announced resignation from the post during a meeting of party’s council on Tuesday evening. […]
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