Viktor Uspaskich

Labor Party elects Uspaskich as leader

Viktor Uspaskich, the founder of the Lithuanian Labor Party, was elected as the party’s new chairman at a congress in Kaunas on Sunday. […]

Gediminas Kirkilas

The former Social Democrats are forming a new political entity from the remnants of various parties

“We will adhere to normal European social democracy and not the leftist manifesto released by our colleagues,” one of the initiators of the planned Lithuanian Social Democrat Labour Party, member of a Seimas group of […]

At the Labour Party's HQ

Lithuanian Labour Party to elect new leader next January

The Lithuanian Labor Party’s council has decided to convene a congress next January to elect a new chairman. […]

Živilė Pinskuvienė

Pinskuvienė steps down from leadership of Lithuania’s Labor Party

Živilė Pinskuvienė, the leader of the Labor Party that has no mandates in Lithuania’s parliament, announced resignation from the post during a meeting of party’s council on Tuesday evening. […]