Kęstutis Trečiokas

Lithuania’s environment minister sceptical about shale gas exploration tender

Lithuania’s minister of environment admits being increasingly sceptical about a new tender for exploration of shale resources, saying that no one may be interested in searching for gas in Lithuania amid low prices of crude and gas in the market. […]

Arvydas Sekmokas

Opinion: How Russia wages hybrid energy war against Lithuania

The hybrid war, tested in Ukraine, was a big surprise for some time even for defence experts. Now, it seems that this lesson has been learned – Lithuania is one of the first countries in NATO which started to form a rapid reaction force aimed at responding to the new military threats. […]

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Lithuanian government refines criteria for shale gas tender

Evaluation criteria, which will be applied to bidders in Lithuania’s new shale gas exploration tender, will include both the size of contribution and investment plans. […]