My house. Irpin. By Elena Smirnova

Год назад война снова постучала мне в окно. Это был новый путь в неизвестность

Дата первого дня войны у всех украинцев – разные. Даже у тех, у кого она началась девять дет назад.   Даже у жителей Крыма, Луганской и Донецкой области, которые столкнулись с российской агрессией еще в […]


Можно ли привыкнуть к сиренам? Как украинцы научились жить в условиях воздушной тревоги

– Мама, над нашим домом вечером что-то очень просвистело. Наверное, ракета. – Боже! Говорят, что это страшный звук. – Но я не стала слушать страшные звуки, я пошла себе в ванную, она просвистела и полетела […]


Prof Lindley-French: We have to engage Russians on currency of power they’ve chosen

The Lithuania Tribune recently interviewed Professor Dr Julian Lindley-French, Chairman of The Alphen Group, during the Annual Conference on Russia organized by the Baltic Defence College in Tartu, Estonia. Dr Lindley-French shared his insights on […]

A worker

Calls on employers to increase wages and look for workers in Lithuania, not abroad

Labour market experts urge employers to raise salaries and look for employees in Lithuanian regions rather than abroad. According to them, this is the only way to increase the country’s middle class, i.e. workers earning […]

Mr Pål Jonson, Swedish Defence Minister. Photo Ruslanas Iržikevičius

Swedish Minister of Defence: Sweden eager to join NATO at upcoming Vilnius Summit

Swedish Minister of Defence, Pål Jonson, discusses Sweden’s readiness to join NATO and its close relationship with Finland, in an interview with the Lithuania Tribune. He addresses the state of affairs with Turkey over terrorism and speaks on Sweden’s defense industry, its adaptability in the changing Euro-Atlantic landscape, and its strategic importance in regional security and cooperation. Learn more about Sweden’s potential NATO membership and their efforts to enhance security in the region. […]