Foreign affairs

Lithuanian geopolitical travels. Taiwanese (Chinese?) restaurant

Taiwan is undoubtedly a hot spot in world politics. It has never been completely “cold” and irrelevant, but today the situation is special – Taiwan is important in the context of Sino-US relations, Russia’s aggression […]

Foreign affairs

Why Kazakhstan is hosting the Astana International Forum this year

In an increasingly polarized world, Kazakhstan often plays the role of a bridge between East and West, North and South. This is a product of our unique history and geography. For centuries, Kazakhstan has been […]

Foreign affairs

The 60 days of Tehran

It is not impossible. It is by no means out of the question that November 2022 will go down in history as the month of freedom that would have seen Iran begin the fall of […]

Central/Eastern Europe

Experts see a dangerous move by Brussels on sanctions: they wonder if there will be more of them?

Petras Auštrevičius, Member of the European Parliament and representative of the Liberal Movement, believes that the European Commission (EC) has overstepped the boundaries of its competence, as it should not interpret the law. According to […]