The latest treatments considered for pets include hemp CBD and medical marijuana for a vast array of symptoms, including variations of anxieties, pain sensations, or more serious ailments.
Medical marijuana is less likely for use with animals due to it having the least available choices with low THC. Hemp CBD is a better option for putting cats, dogs, and other companions in a good place for symptom reduction extending the animal’s lifespan and enhancing its quality.
Cannabidiol is rich in hemp and offers a non-psychoactive, nontoxic alternative to THC’s potential for toxicity and psychoactive characteristics in the marijuana species.
Breeders have the capacity to create low-level THC, high CBD products in both medical marijuana and hemp, but most of these combinations are seen in the hemp CBD products.
CBD Hemp for Pets Over Medical Marijuana
There are pet parents who believe it’s okay to blow a little marijuana smoke in the direction of their pets as a way to alleviate the animal’s ailments or injuries. Some even find humor in the notion of a dog or cat being ‘stoned.’
It’s genuinely not. The effects rendered by THC can prove toxic to an animal, especially a dog, due to the elevated level found in marijuana. Subjecting an animal to these psychotropics is dangerous and far from comical.
That’s why it’s important that people educate themselves on cannabis and what is safe to administer for pets before subjecting them to any substance. THC is responsible for the “high” or the mind-altering effects people experience with marijuana and can induce similar intoxication with an animal.
Hemp CBD is a non-psychotropic with a legal limit of THC at 0.3% or lower. There are cannabis-based products bred to fall within that category with a rich CBD level, but these are few and challenging to find. Most medical marijuana options on the market will be high in THC and low in CBD, making them unsuitable for an animal.
You can find hemp-derived cannabidiol products widely available, view this site, with a broad range of options in edible form, tincture, topicals, and oils with an array of brands for which you need to pay attention to lab tests for ingredients, including the primary cannabinoids of CBD and THC. Trustworthy carriers will publicize their lab results.
Bigger Is Not Always Better
A substantial dose of CBD derived from hemp is not always a better choice for your animal. The actual recommendation is, to begin with, the smallest dosage suggested for your specific pet and only move up gradually and slowly until you meet the anticipated effect.
Excessive doses of the compound will not result in extended benefits from the substance but can bring minimal adverse reactions in the animal because the dosage is too much. The most side effects that you’ll notice from too great a dose are sedation and an increase in appetite.
While CBD cannot harm an animal when given an overdose, medical marijuana can prove toxic due to the high THC and, in some cases, can even be deadly. The obvious question then is why to provide medical marijuana products to pets.
But medical marijuana in measured quantities has shown to be beneficial for the animal population. The problem is the lack of information among pet parents, which can create common occurrences of overdose and an increase in pet visits to the emergency vet due to THC toxicity.
Some states who have legalized medical marijuana have, therefore, chosen to make it illegal to provide it to pets. That will ideally protect pets from toxins, but, ultimately, in order to make proper use of the benefits the animals could receive from the various cannabis compounds, informing the public on its use might prove wiser.
Final Thought
The atmosphere for both CBD hemp and cannabis are unclear and undecided, with regulations in each state differing as it pertains to people. Still, when it comes to pets, it’s especially more stringent. Click to learn if CBD oil can help your pet.
Some states are allowing use of either product, but some are not allowing it for animals for any reason. Genuinely, what each location needs to strive for is educating the communities. In this way, the public becomes informed of the risks, advantages, and proper administration, instead of simply excluding the options from pets as a whole.
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