According to the statement, illegal placement of banners on July 10, moving even deeper towards Tbilisi-controlled territory, and in immediate vicinity to the Tbilisi-Gori central highway and Baku-Supsa oil pipeline, constitutes yet another serious violation of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by the Russian Federation. These illegal activities are in breach of international law, they create significant impediments for residents on both sides of the administrative boundary line, harm international efforts for peaceful resolution of the conflict, and have a negative impact on the security situation in the whole region.
Lithuania reiterates its firm support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders. We call on the Russian Federation to immediately stop pressure and aggressive policies against its neighbors, and to start abiding by the fundamental norms and principles of international law as well as to fulfill all commitments under the cease-fire agreement of 12 August 2008 and the Implementing Measures of 8 September 2008. Russia’s illegal actions do not contribute to the restoration of trust and will further complicate resumption of a fully-fledged dialogue between Russia and the wider international community.
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