As of mid-October, a third of the transmission pylons for the high-voltage power line planned in Lithuanian territory are already in place, construction of facilities for the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) back-to-back converter station is underway, and reconstruction of the Alytus transformer substation is nearing completion.
“All the LitPol Link construction works are advancing strictly according to schedule,” said Karolis Sankovskis, member of the Board and director of the Strategic Infrastructure Department at Litgrid, which is implementing the project. “All construction works for the converter station will be completed by next summer,” he said.
Contractors carrying out construction for the interconnection have been working together constantly with local residents and authorities to quickly and constructively resolve any issues that arise. In all cases, any damages that people suffer during the construction will have to be repaired or compensated by the contractors once work is completed.
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