Over 100,000 emigrants have returned to Lithuania over the past decade

DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

Most emigrants leave for the United Kingdom and Ireland. In 2005-2014, more people opted for the United Kingdom and Norway rather than the United States.

101,500 citizens of Lithuania re-emigrated to Lithuania in 2005-2014. 42,300 people, or 41.6 percent of all re-emigrants, returned from the United Kingdom. 12,700, or 12.6 percent, returned from Ireland. 7,100, or 7 percent, returned from Norway.

10,200 men and 9,400 women, 52 and 48 percent respectively, re-emigrated in 2014. In 2005, those numbers stood at 2,500 and 2,200, respectively.

Based on data provided by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office, thirteen EU countries recorded negative net international migration per 1,000 residents in 2014. The figures were the biggest in Cyprus, Greece, Latvia and Lithuania.

Last year, 497, people applied for asylum in Lithuania, and it was granted to 177 of them. Compared with 2013, the number of positive answers grew by 28.3 percent. In 2005-2014, refugee status was granted to 121 people, with additional protections for 2,300.

Based on Eurostat’s data, EU member states received 627,000 first-time applications for asylum in the second and third quarter of 2015 alone. 30.2 percent of applications were registered in Germany, 22.4 percent in Hungary, 7.2 percent in Austria, 6.9 percent in Italy and 5.2 percent in France.

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