Humans cannot live without physical touch. While some of us are fully content with holding hands, getting and giving hugs or kissing, others are longing for something less platonic, namely, passion.
Sex should not be boring, that’s true; however, safety should come if not first, then second after your steamy adventures. Erotic love is unique in its burning passion which is hard to kill; however, it can certainly hurt you via sexually transmitted diseases and infections. How do you prevent them and how do you treat them?
Getting infected
People say the less you know, the better you sleep. Yet, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are no joking matter. To learn more about STDs, start with the basics, such as ways of transmission. Safe sex and regular sex life with the same partner lessen the possibility of contracting harmful STDs. However, do remember that even a single night without protection may be fateful to both partners. Always use condoms to fully protect your health.
Even the wording itself of ‘unsafe sex’ hints at big trouble. Any unprotected adventures increase the possibility of STDs. Despite this, several STDs can be caught without having any direct sexual intercourse with an infected person, e.g., via the blood or genital discharge of another person mixing with ours or via an infected tattooing needle. In addition to the usual vaginal, anal or oral sexual intercourse, sex toys can also increase the probability of getting STDs. According to Dermatovenerologist and Sexologist Mindaugas Buragas, proper lubrication of toys can protect against physical traumas and condoms can prevent sexually transmitted diseases and infections.
Knowing the enemy is key
One of the biggest problems with STDs is that in most cases people might be unaware of already having them. This happens because the symptoms of STDs do not occur immediately after sexual intercourse. Usually, they manifest after an incubation period of three days to two weeks or even several months, when speaking of AIDS. However, you might suspect something is wrong in case of painful urination, rashes in the genital area, increased discharge, scurf or recent, even if small, symptoms of discomfort in the genitals.
The majority of STDs, e.g., syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia infection, can be treated. Yet, other diseases are not only incurable but can also cause recurring health disorders. Such diseases as herpes, hepatitis and AIDS are very dangerous. AIDS caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is fatal, if not diagnosed and treated on time.
Diagnosis is not the end of the world
Early diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases and infections is crucial. This means that everyone should have regular Dermatovenerologist’s appointments to receive the help they need and decide on the best possible treatment. “Venereal diseases remain a taboo topic in Lithuania. Many patients are anxious about the first appointment and are afraid of the reactions of others, feeling that they will be frowned upon and rejected by the society,” says Dermatovenerologist and Sexologist Mindaugas Buragas at Homo Sanus Clinic.
The Dermatovenerologist also notes that patients come to private clinics seeking treatment for their illnesses and also in search of privacy and confidentiality. Regular appointments, open conversations with the physician and all the required tests help avoid bigger problems as old and untreated infections might evolve into chronic disorders that will change your life forever. M. Buragas says that discussing intimate topics is his daily job: “Everyone who comes to me is a unique person. No matter what he or she tells me, I will accept them. An open conversation online or at the clinic is the only way to find out the causes of suffering and the ways to help.”
Close physical contact with another person does not always reward us with good feelings and pleasant memories. Sometimes, sexually transmitted diseases and infections lie in wait where we least expect them. It is important to find a balance between being too careful or too open: remain observant even when you are the most vulnerable, use personal protection and do not be afraid to visit a doctor’s office. Remember that it is a failure to take care of yourself that will bring you true shame!
For more information or to book an appointment, please visit www.homosanus.lt
Translated by MP Translations Agency in Kaunas
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