Dalia Grybauskaitė
European Union

Europe needs unity as never before – Grybauskaitė after meeting Merkel

Europe needs unity more than ever before, as it is challenged by crisis of identity and confidence, Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė said after meeting in Berlin with Germany‘s Chancellor Angela Merkel and four other leaders in the run-up to European Union (EU) summit. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė, Angela Merkel

Germany, Lithuania on opposite sides of NATO divide on Russia

The NATO-Russia Council meeting last week did not seem to bring any tangible results, but it was preceded by the usual clash of opposing positions within NATO, one side advocating for engaging in dialogue with Russia and the other sceptical about Russia’s interest in genuine engagement. […]

Alexei Venediktov

Russia wouldn’t open ‘third front’ in Baltics, says Russian journalist

Alexei Venediktov, the editor-in-chief of Echo Moskvy, spoke to Delfi about the threat of escalation in the tensions between Russia and the Baltics. His radio station is considered by many to be the last major independent media outlet in Russia, and has run into trouble with Russian government media regulators in the past. […]

Gabrielius Landsbergis
European Union

Lithuanian conservative leader expresses solidarity with Merkel on refugee crisis

The congress of the European People‘s Party in Madrid has turned into a meeting of conservative leaders to discuss the refugee crisis, a divisive issue for European conservatives. Gabrielius Landsbergis, the leader of the Lithuanian Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, says that his party supports Angela Merkel‘s idea of solidarity, but also questions the sustainability of proposed solutions. […]


Opinion: Kremlin’s ghost over Riga Summit (II)

The European Union launched its Eastern Partnership programme in 2009, soon after Russia‘s 2008 war on Georgia. It was proposed by Poland and Sweden, with enthusiastic support from Lithuania. Russia has ever since been blaming the programme for trying to undermine its interests in the countries Moscow refers to as the “near abroad”. […]