"Lukoil" degalinė

Austrian Group completes takeover of Lukoil petrol stations

Austrian Group Amic Energy Management has completed its takeover of Lukoil petrol stations in Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, according to Ivanas Paleičikas, the head of Lukoil Baltija talking on LRT Radijas. Paleičikas said the Austrian […]

Heidi Tagliavini

Opinion: Spark of hope that Russia’s aggression will not pass this time

The German daily Berliner Zeitung was the first one to report about the resignation of Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini as OSCE special envoy in Ukraine and OSCE representative at the Minsk peace talks. This lady made her name in political and diplomatic quarters when the international commission she led published a report on the 2008 Georgian-Russian war. Her departure gives one hope that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia will not be given a Tagliavini treatment. […]

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German-speaking experts sign petition on Ukraine: Securing peace instead of rewarding expansion

An appeal, by 142 German-speaking experts on Eastern Europe, calls for a reality-based and not illusions-guided Russia policy. […]