No Picture

No clear statistics on number of cases and form of violence against children

With Lithuania continuously shocked by cases of violence against children, there is no accurate statistics on how many children have suffered and from what form of violence. This is because the information is gathered in differing databases and there is no compilation of the data. The Seimas Suicide and Violence Prevention Commission has proposed to start compiling such figures because statistics could help better establish whether current legislation works and the frequency and form of violence, writes. […]

Linas Balsys

Balsys joins LSDP group in Seimas

Linas Balsys is leaving the group of non-attached members of the Lithuanian parliament to join the political group of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) in the Seimas. […]

Warsaw str. sign in Polish in Vilnius

Proposed Ethnic Minority Law – respect to minorities or spreading chaos?

The proposed National Minority Law can be viewed as a hybrid warfare styled project, whose goal is to cause chaos and disintegration in the state, MP Audronius Ažubalis and linguist Antanas Smetona tell LRT Radio. […]

Dovilė Šakalienė

“Farmers” lash out at Šakalienė

It would appear that the Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union (LVŽS) has decided to teach Dovilė Šakalienė, who abandoned their ranks for those of the Liberals, a lesson. On Tuesday evening, at the end of […]

Violence against children

There is insufficient political will to prevent violence against children

On December 29th a one month old infant was submitted to a Vilnius hospital for multiple body bruises, skull fracture and brain haemorrhage. The suspect – the child’s father. That same day the doctors at […]