
Chile okays dairy imports from Lithuania

Good news from Chile has reached manufacturers of milk products this week – an official permission has been granted for them to export their production to this country, Lithuania’s State Food and Veterinary Service (VMVT) reports. […]

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European Union

Some EU countries had bilateral export talks with Russia, EU Commission confirms

The European Commission says that representatives of some EU member states have apparently met with Russia‘s representatives in recent months to discuss food export issues without informing the EU’s executive body or other countries. […]

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Japanese experts to check beef quality in Lithuania

Last year, Lithuania’s State Food and Veterinary Service (VMVT) closely collaborated with competent institutions of Japan actively looking for new markets for Lithuanian food exporters. […]

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Lithuanian finance minister on effects of Russian slowdown: The worst is behind us

Lithuania has already reached the bottom of the impact of Russia‘s economic downturn and has effectively withstood the biggest hit, says Lithuanian Finance Minister Rimantas Šadžius. […]