Linas Linkevičius
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Opinion: Hunting down propaganda in media fields

Since the beginning of war in Ukraine, the concept of propaganda has become a keyword in the agendas of Lithuanian politicians and the media. The ruling majority of the Seimas and the president (together with the right-wing groups in the opposition) are taking diametrically opposite positions in the political arena regarding to measures to fight propaganda. After the Seimas rejected the president’s amendment to the Law on Public Information, there is no shortage of forecasts about large-scale disasters in our information space. […]

Edmundas Vaitekūnas

Lithuania’s radio and TV authority says it has too few powers to fight propaganda

The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania has very limited powers of fighting propaganda, its chairman Edmundas Vaitekūnas says. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

President Grybauskaitė: Democracy must be able to defend itself

Lithuania at present finds itself in the middle of information and propaganda warfare, insists President Dalia Grybauskaitė who says she will try again to persuade members of parliament to support her amendments to the Law on Public Information which aim at limiting Russian TV broadcasts in the country. […]

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Russia’s information war in Lithuania growing in intensity

It is hard to find anyone in Lithuania who does not believe that Russia‘s propaganda campaigns in the Baltic EU member state have been growing in intensity. […]