Lithuanian Constitution

Failed attempt in Seimas to make constitutional changes more difficult

Prior to starting deliberations regarding changes on the number of members of Seimas, Liberal Movement Seimas group prefect Eugenijus Gentvilas presented a resolution to the Seimas “Over the constant attempts to change the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.” With this, it was proposed to form an expert group, which would evaluate whether there is actual need to change the country’s most important document. The resolution was rejected after discussions. […]

At a Social Democratic Party Presidium seating

Social Democratic Party’s rebels exit after calls for expel them

Eight members of the political group of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party terminated their membership in the party on Saturday, just an hour before the Social Democratic Party’s council was planned to consider their expulsion over refusal to obey the party’s decision. […]


Skvernelis thinking about a “rainbow”?

“I think that the Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis is waiting for his supporters in the Parliament Farmer group will unify, gain strength, and then it will form a new coalition with the Social Democrats and […]

Algirdas Butkevičius

Social Democrat “rebels” angered by Butkevičius

Four members of the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) negotiation group released a public statement on Wednesday, right before the signing of the coalition agreement with the Peasant and Greens Union. The statement declares that some of the actions of the party Chairman Algirdas Butkevičius and the fraction prefect Irena Šiaulienė were not discussed with the negotiation group. […]