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Foreign affairs

How Lithuania can irritate Russia into retreat

Lithuania is in a perfect position to irritate Russia enough to force Moscow out its current misinformation offensive into the defensive, says J. Michael Waller, an American expert on information warfare. In an interview with DELFI, he shares some tips how even a country as small as Lithuania could push Russia’s buttons. […]

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NATO jets scrambled from Lithuania over Russian transport plane

NATO fighter-jets were Wednesday scrambled from Šiauliai, northern Lithuania, to identify and accompany a Russian strategic transport airplane flying above the Baltic Sea. […]

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Russia’s military games for Baltic and Polish civilians and youth

With the Russian 9th of May celebrations of Soviet victory in World War Two approaching, many in the Baltic States are concerned about the potential risk of provocations or confrontation stemming from the more radical and disgruntled elements of the local Russian minority. Moreover, since Russia launched a shadow war in eastern Ukraine in 2014, NATO, American, and European governments have been increasingly concerned about the risks of hybrid warfare in Poland and the Baltic region. […]

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Russia’s militarization of Kaliningrad – sign of forthcoming military stand-off?

Media around the world are increasingly focusing on Kaliningrad as the possible next site of Russian-Western confrontation, as Moscow keeps dispatching military equipment to its enclave squeezed between Lithuania and Poland. […]

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Baltic Air Policing jets scrambled once last week to identify Russian aircraft

Lithuania’s Ministry of National Defence has published data on interceptions of vessels and aircraft completed near the borders of the Baltic states between 9 and 15 March. […]