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NordBalt drives Lithuanian electricity prices down to record lows

The operation of the electricity interconnector between Lithuania and Sweden pushed electricity prices down to record lows in Lithuania last week, according to Litgrid, as it started to operate in test mode. […]

Rokas Masiulis

Minister Masiulis: NordBalt opens Scandinavian electricity market surplus for Lithuania and Latvia

The 453-kilometer long 700 megawatt NordBalt power interconnection is one of the most important projects in the history of Baltic countries’ energy sectors. Although the submarine cable is laid between the coasts of Lithuania and Sweden, the project will equally benefit to Lithuania and Latvia,” said the Minister of Energy, Rokas Masiulis, to Latvian reporters during a meeting in Klaipėda. […]

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Electricity cheaper throughout Baltic Sea region in March

In March the electricity price was the lowest since the Nord Pool Spot have been launched in Lithuania in 2012. The average electricity price in the Lithuanian bidding area was 32 EUR/MWh. The demand of electricity fell by 8 percent due to warmer weather and lengthening daylight. Compared to March last year, the price decreased by 23 percent in the Lithuanian market, the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid reports. […]

LNG Terminal vessel "Independence"

Opinion: Lithuania has become EU’s pupil star in energy policy, but…

With the launch of “Independence”, Lithuania’s long-and-hard-fought striving for energy diversity and independence has definitely seen a big boost. But behind the jubilant scene stands the avuncular European Union that has long been encouraging the member states to seek brave solutions in tackling energy security issues. Now time has come for Brussels to rejoice, too – EU energy policies are playing out well in Lithuania. […]

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Electricity price falls in Lithuania due to supply growth

In October the average electricity price in Nord Pool Spot power market Lithuania trading zone was LTL 0.186 (EUR 0.053) per kilowatt hour (kWh), 6.4 percent lower than in September. According to independent electricity supplier Energijos Tiekimas, year-on-year electricity price was 16 percent lower. […]