Artūras Paulauskas

Lithuanian parliament committee chair suggests indefinite conscription return

Artūras Paulauskas, chairman of the Lithuanian Seimas Committee on National Security and Defence, on Thursday proposed discussing the possibility to restore conscription for an indefinite period of time. […]


Lithuanian parliament votes overwhelmingly in favour of restoring conscription

The Seimas of Lithuania on Thursday voted in favour of restoring conscription in the country. The first stage of military draft is scheduled for August-September, National Defence Minister Juozas Olekas said. […]


Defence Ministry submits draft law on conscription to Lithuanian government

The Ministry of National Defence submitted to the Government amendments to the law on the principles of structure of the Armed Forces in 2015. It includes a plan to draft 3,000-3,500 men to compulsory military service. […]

Loreta Graužinienė

Lithuanian parliament to adopt laws on conscription in nearest future, speaker says

The State Defence Council has decided to enhance Lithuania’s defensive capabilities and to temporarily reinstate conscript military service. Speaker of the Seimas Loreta Graužinienė says that parliament will soon start work on the issue. […]