Kęstutis Lisauskas

New taxes may be introduced if more personal income tax is allocated to Vilnius, expert says

On Thursday, 11 June, Lithuania’s Constitutional Court ruled that legal regulations that distribute personal income tax (PIT) to municipal budgets contravened the Constitution. Only 40 percent of PIT used to be transferred to Vilnius City Municipality based on these regulations. The Vilnius authorities have lauded the ruling which will allow it to claim more tax money from the central government. […]


EC recommendations for Lithuania: less tax on labour, more tax on wealth

Lithuania has received recommendations from the European Commission on the most pressing issues in the economy that need addressing. Disturbingly, over 30 percent of people in Lithuania face poverty risk, labour taxes are punishing, while levies on wealth – less detrimental to economic growth – are all but non-existent. Experts say the first steps would be introducing tax on real estate and cars. […]

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Lithuanian government decides on 1 percent tax on shale gas production

Shale gas production in Lithuania shall be taxed at 1 percent in the first three years, instead of applying the previously proposed rate of zero tax, the government has ruled on Monday. […]