“I am delighted that VU maintains a strong leadership position in Lithuania and peaked in this ranking, but our main goal is to align with the world’s best universities in the global, not just regional QS ranking. And VU is on the right track – we are gradually upgrading our position for the last two years,” said VU Rector Artūras Žukauskas.
QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe & Central Asia (EECA) has been extended in 2015 to feature the top 150 universities in the region. Aiming to celebrate and track the performance of higher education institutions in the EECA countries, the ranking uses a methodology adapted from the overall QS World University Rankings. A total of nine factors, such as academic and employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, papers per faculty, web impact and others, are assessed, each of which contributes a certain proportion towards institutions’ overall scores.
VU received highest ranking positions for its Academic Reputation, Employer’s Reputation and for Citations per Paper.
Following the overall world university ranking 2015/2016, published by QS World University Rankings in September, VU improved its position to 501-550 from the 551-600 position previously.
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