United Arab Emirates

New push to exploit Middle East markets for dairy and meat products

Lithuanian meat and milk processors and the Ministry of Economy have created a joint working group to prepare and implement a plan to expand Lithuanian food exports in emerging markets. […]


Kazakhstan follows Russia’s lead in banning Baltic imports

The Veterinary Supervision Authority of Kazakhstan has decided to introduce temporary restrictions on imports of Estonian and Latvian fish products, including canned fish, following the lead of Russia, Public Broadcasting reports. […]


Chile okays dairy imports from Lithuania

Good news from Chile has reached manufacturers of milk products this week – an official permission has been granted for them to export their production to this country, Lithuania’s State Food and Veterinary Service (VMVT) reports. […]

Žemės ūkio paroda Berlyne "Žalioji savaitė"

Lithuania hopes to become partner country of Berlin’s Green Week in 2017

Lithuania’s delegation at this year’s Berlin International Green Week, an important international trade fair held annually in Berlin, is going to focus on finding new markets. […]