
Court orders, for 1st time, spelling name with ‘q’ on main page of Lithuanian passport

The Vilnius Regional Administrative court has for the first time ordered that a foreign surname be spelt with a letter that does not exist in the Lithuanian alphabet on the main page of a Lithuanian passport. […]

Letters on the stones

Seimas panel okays ‘W’ in passports for foreign spouses, but not for Poles

There is growing support in the corridors of power for an initiative to allow the original spelling of non-Lithuanian surnames on the main page of passports for people married to foreigners, but not for ethnic Poles living in Lithuania. […]

Lithuanian letters

President to decide on non-Lithuanian letters in IDs after language watchdog’s conclusion

Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė says her decision on spelling of first and last names of Lithuanian citizens with Latin letters that do not exist in the Lithuanian alphabet will depend on the conclusion of the state language commission. […]

Lithuanian passport

Court orders non-Lithuanian last names in ID cards

The Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court has handed down yet another ruling on spelling of personal names in documents – it ruled that non-Lithuanian last names of Wardyn and Pauwels should be spelled in personal identification cards in both Lithuanian and non-Lithuanian characters. […]