
Moscow is getting ready for a hybrid war with Lithuania. Is the Polish minority going to be the flashpoint?

Another series of Russian provocations involving the Baltic states, related to the Ukraine war, makes so-called hybrid war scenario more and more realistic within the region of the Baltic Sea. The incidents that took place so far, such as the Internet existence of “People’s Republic of Vilnius” or the hooligan attacks on the Polish Embassy in Vilnius, seem to suggest that the Kremlin is going to use the Polish minority of Lithuania, along with the tough history of the Polish-Lithuanian relations, as the basis for its activities, aim of which would be to destabilize the region. […]


LitPol Link to be delivered on schedule

Construction of the the high voltage power interconnection LitPol Link between Poland and Lithuania is progressing according to the planned timeline. […]

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Russian air force activity down at Baltic borders

Russian military airplanes have become less active at borders of the Baltic states, the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence says. […]


Portugal sends reconnaissance plane to Lithuania after sub hunt off Swedish coasts

After the mysterious hunt for a submarine off the coasts of Sweden, a Portuguese Air Force reconnaissance airplane Lockheed P-3C CUP was sent to Lithuania in late October to observe the Baltic Sea. […]


Opinion: Under-water incursions in Swedish waters and changing landscape of Baltic Sea security

In October, the Swedish Navy, after several years of calm, once again mounted an operation to identify and avert under-water intruders operating in Swedish territorial waters. Media speculated wildly about the reasons why anyone (read Russia) should have a reason to conduct an operation in the Stockholm archipelago; war preparations, infiltrating agents, discourage Sweden joining NATO and several other possible motives were put forward. […]