
French group Veolia sues Lithuania for €100m

The French group Veolia, which owns heating companies in Lithuania, is suing the country for €100 million at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in Washington. Veolia is demanding compensation for losses it allegedly sustained due to unfair treatment by the Lithuanian government. […]

KTU Rector Petras Baršauskas

Kaunas University of Technology to acquire ISM University of Management and Economics

The Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and the ISM University of Management and Economics (ISM) in Vilnius will soon become partners when KTU acquires a controlling share of ISM’s stocks. The deal will be completed as soon as KTU receives the approval of the Competition Council. […]


Competition Council should keep an eye on the newest Teo purchase

IT and telecommunications company Teo has purchased 100 percent of the shares of the Lithuanian mobile service provider Omnitel from its current shareholder TeliaSonera. The move has provoked a lot of discussion in the Lithuania public sphere and that shouldn’t surprise anyone as the purchase is one of the biggest in Lithuania’s business history. Both companies are owned by Swedish Company TeliaSonera. […]


Lithuanian politicians find reorganization of Estonian-owned biofuel company suspicious

Prosecutors say that plans by Bionovus, an Icor-controlled biofuel supplier, to merge with its Estonian-registered owner and cease operations will have no impact on their investigation into the company’s deals, but some lawyers say that this would make it more difficult to gather documents needed for the probe. […]