Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

Do we conduct our foreign policy in line with the US or with Putin’s Russia?

Last week’s news that, for the past two years, the Government led by Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius has been covertly negotiating a draft Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration at the United Nations caused quite a stir in Lithuania. The turmoil following the revelation of this fact has not subsided yet. Interestingly, none of the Seimas committees in charge of foreign policy and national security have been informed about the negotiations. The reason behind this was obvious. Both publically and behind closed doors at a meeting of the Seimas Committee on Foreign Affairs, government members failed to provide answers to some of the essential questions: why do we have to approve this questionable agreement and who has decided that Lithuania supports it? […]

Donald Trump support rally in the front of the US Embassy in Vilnius

With protest against Trump rippling across globe, support is expressed in Vilnius

“The USA elected a new president, we respect the Americans’ decision. We have to get used to the fact that Donald J. Trump is the new US President who we will need to call if […]

Dovilė Šukytė

U.S. presidential election as a wake-up call for women in leadership

The defeat of Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election has resulted in well-founded concerns for the U.S. and Europe. Lithuania is no exception. Currently, our concerns about the safe future are being addressed and soothed by highest U.S. officials, including Vilnius-residing Ambassador Anne Hall who shortly after the announcement of the election results reassured us about the U.S. commitment to its alliance with Lithuania. […]

H. Clinton and  D. Trumpo during the thirds Presidential debate
Foreign affairs

Linkevičius: there are signs of Russia meddling in US presidential race

There are indications in the US election campaign that other states are meddling in the presidential race, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said on Thursday, referring to Russia. […]

No Picture
Foreign affairs

As Trump becomes Republican nomination shoe-in, Lithuanian analysts sound off

A year ago, Donald Trump was barely considered a serious Republican presidential candidate. Now, After Tuesday’s victory in the Indiana primary, Trump needs only 200 delegates until he can claim the title of Republican candidate for the presidency of the USA. […]

Hillary Clinton
Foreign affairs

Prime Minister Butkevičius says Clinton would be friendly president to Lithuania

Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius is convinced that US Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, should she be elected to the White House in 2016, would conduct a Lithuania-friendly foreign policy. […]