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The impact of Panama Papers in Eastern Europe – and rest of the world

On April 3, the Panama Papers hit media outlets around the world, and the fallout was swift. […]

Bashar al Assad and Vladimir Putin, photo

The ulterior motive behind Russia’s partial Syria withdrawal

With great fanfare and “surprise” Russia once again seemingly out-maneuvered Western leadership in Syria. While much ink has been spilled debating whether President Vladimir Putin is executing a sound strategy—or is merely a tactical opportunist—it is clear that he has achieved his primary strategic goal: making Russia geopolitically relevant again and forcing the West to begrudgingly accept that it must take into account Russian interests. But there is an ulterior motive to Putin’s partial withdrawal. […]

Linas Linkevičius
European Union

Lithuanian foreign minister attends EU’s Foreign Affairs Council

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Linas Linkevičius, on Monday is taking part in the European Union‘s Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels. […]

Foreign affairs

Iran – new and strong player

Not long ago, on 2 April 2015 an agreement was reached in Lausanne, Switzerland, that was referred to as “historic”. The agreement was concluded between The Six (five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council + Germany) and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran takes the responsibility to reduce the enrichment of Uranium and the West, in return, is ready to lift some sanctions. The Lausanne Agreement was assessed positively. However, there are some sceptics thinking that the Agreement includes particular threats. […]


Exports of Lithuanian agricultural produce to Iran on the increase

Trade with Iran accounts for a fair amount of the Lithuanian foreign trade in agricultural products. Last year, it went up by 9.5 percent. […]


Record-breaking shipment of grain headed from Lithuania to Iran

Record-breaking Post-Panamax category containership Piera left Klaipėda Seaport on Wednesday and is heading to Iran. It was loaded with the record amount of Lithuanian export grain – the biggest in the history of Klaipėda Seaport. […]